ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.
ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.
ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.


University Time Table 22-23

Practical's 22-23

Mid Examination

The college conducts two types of examinations, internal and external. External exams are conducted by the affiliating university and the college conducts the internal examinations. As part of internal examinations, assignments, mid-term and pre-final examinations are conducted. The internal examinations are conducted with utmost care and transparency with fairness.


1. Academic calendar
With reference to academic calendar exams are planned.

2. Formation of Exam Committee
Members for exam committee are selected by the management.

3. Planning
The committee meets the Principal and plans for the forth coming exams.

4. Circular
A Circular to all staff members is sent mentioning the dates and subjects with time and session.

The circular requests for question paper and answer key.
The same is followed by each department and they in turn frame and submit the individual timetable to the COE which is displayed on the notice boards. “Click here(2021-22) “

Exam Time-table “Click here”

Practicale Exam Time-table “Click here”

5. Question Papers Setting:

The respective subject teachers set their Question Papers and will submit the same to the COE along with the answer key.
Preparation of Question Paper is as per university regulations.

6. Requirements
Arrangements are made demanding to the number of required copies of question paper.

All the necessary steps are taken to print the question paper.
Arrangements of answer scripts, accounts sheets, graph sheet, thread were made.

7. Rooms identification and intimation to All HoDs & In-charges

Identifying the examination halls and intimation to the Manager is made for necessary arrangements.
Preparation of consolidated seating plan and attendance sheets.
Students will be intimidated the same on the previous day of the examinations through different notice boards and entry points near steps.
Request for security persons to control the flow and to support the examination system.

8. Allotment of Dept. Wise Invigilators

Invigilators are selected based on the need and are intimidated.
No of invigilators = total strength / 30 per internal examinations

9. Class room boards cleaning

The class room board cleaning duty is assigned to Non Teaching staff.

10. Distribution of Question Papers to halls

The invigilators on the day of Examination carry question papers along with them to the examination hall.

11. Attendance sheet

Attendance sheet statements are arranged on the daily basis.
It will be taken by the invigilators to the exam halls along with the question paper cover.

12. Bell timings

Short Bell at 8.45AM / 12.30 PM
Medium Bell at 9:00AM / 12.45 PM
Long Bell at 9.15 AM / 1:00 PM
Warning Bell at 12:25 PM / 3.55 PM
Final Bell at 12.15:00 PM / 4:00 PM

13. Absentees Statements for all examinations

A notebook is circulated to all the rooms to get information of the strength of the students.
After every examination, branch wise consolidated absentee’s statement is prepared.

14. Collection and Submission of answer scripts from invigilators to Subject Teachers
Branch wise answer scripts will be collected from invigilators.

The same will be handed over to the respective subject teachers.

15. Evaluation & Submission

Collection of the marks statements from the subject teachers.
Absentees should be marked with separate ink.
Entering the same data in CMS.
Maintaining all the acknowledgements of uploading data.
Consolidated Branch wise marks collected from each department.

16. Receiving queries, doubts and problems in the mark entry within 2 days and rectification of the same from respective staff and re-communicated to students.

 17. A Retest will be conducted for the failures and absentees.

 18. University Internal assessment marks is evaluated based on the internal examinations.

For any grievance regarding the examination you can follow the below mechanism:

At Institute level

A three-stage grievance redressal mechanism is available to redress the grievances of the students with reference to internal examinations.

First Stage – At the concerned teacher level: By providing corrected answer script to the students by the teacher, the student can approach concerned teacher to clear their doubts / grievances, if any.

Second stage – At HOD level: In case the student is not satisfied at stage one, the student can approach the HOD of the concerned department who is required to examine the case in detail and make suitable changes if warranted.

Third stage– At the Principal level: In case the student is aggrieved with the decision even at the HOD level also, she can appeal in writing to the Principal who in turn nominates a Professor / Associate professor other than the concerned teacher to look in to the grievance. The teacher so nominated, in turn, will examine the grievance critically to do justice to the student. The outcome is explained to the student by the Principal with reasons and the decision / outcome arrived is final.

At University level:

The student is entitled to apply for recounting / revaluation in theory subjects by paying the prescribed fee to the University. The University takes up all such applications and revaluates the scripts by competent subject teachers. However, if there is no improvement earlier marks will be retained.