ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.
ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade

Welcome to our sphere of Research

Publication by Staff

2022-23 Publications

2021-22 Publications

2020-21 Publications

2019-20 Publications


  1. “Antimicrobial activity of solanum xanthocarpumand adathoda vasica” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of research arena.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2320-6263)

  2. “Phytochemical analysis of selected medicinal plants from agency area of Paderu” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of research arena.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2320-6264)

  3. “Metal analysis of selected plants from industrial area of Gnanapuram” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of research arena.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2320-6265)

  4. “Identification of plant species in the St.Ann’s college campus” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of research arena.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2320-6266)

  5. “Floristic diversity of sacred places in Gorkakhpur Uttar Pradesh towards biotechnological initiatives for ex citu conservation” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of Gayathri research.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2319-8230)

  6. “Tree diversity in Deen Dayal Gorkakhpur Uttar Pradesh towards germplasm conservation” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of emerging technologies and innovative research.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2349-5162)

  7. “Micro units development and refinance agency bank” by Mrs. P.Lavanya (Associate Professor) was published in International think India journal of development programmes in India issues and challenges .( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 0971-1260)


  1. “Impact of social media on youth” by Miss. EPS Bhagya Lakshmi and Miss. Y.Anasuya Devi (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences. (ISBN/ISSN number: ISBN:978-93-88\o6o-6-1)

  2. “A Realistic Approach On Women Empowerment” by Mrs. G.Lalitha (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)

  3. “E-Commerce Services” by Mrs. B.Santhi (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)

  4. “Leader Ship For Statups” by Mrs. P.Lavanya (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)

  5. “Women Political Participation In Indian Democracy” by Miss E.P.S Bhagya Lakshmi (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)

  6. “The Prospects And Problems Of E-Governance In India” by Miss. Y. Anasuya Devi (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)


  1. “Andhra provincial Women’s Conferences” by Mrs. G.Lalitha (Associate Professor) was published in International journal of recreating spaces: language, culture and gender issues.