Publication by Staff
“Antimicrobial activity of solanum xanthocarpumand adathoda vasica” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of research arena.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2320-6263)
“Phytochemical analysis of selected medicinal plants from agency area of Paderu” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of research arena.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2320-6264)
“Metal analysis of selected plants from industrial area of Gnanapuram” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of research arena.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2320-6265)
“Identification of plant species in the St.Ann’s college campus” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of research arena.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2320-6266)
“Floristic diversity of sacred places in Gorkakhpur Uttar Pradesh towards biotechnological initiatives for ex citu conservation” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of Gayathri research.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2319-8230)
“Tree diversity in Deen Dayal Gorkakhpur Uttar Pradesh towards germplasm conservation” by Dr.Sr.Prema Kumari (Principal) was published in International journal of emerging technologies and innovative research.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 2349-5162)
“Micro units development and refinance agency bank” by Mrs. P.Lavanya (Associate Professor) was published in International think India journal of development programmes in India issues and challenges .( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN: 0971-1260)
“Impact of social media on youth” by Miss. EPS Bhagya Lakshmi and Miss. Y.Anasuya Devi (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences. (ISBN/ISSN number: ISBN:978-93-88\o6o-6-1)
“A Realistic Approach On Women Empowerment” by Mrs. G.Lalitha (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)
“E-Commerce Services” by Mrs. B.Santhi (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)
“Leader Ship For Statups” by Mrs. P.Lavanya (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)
“Women Political Participation In Indian Democracy” by Miss E.P.S Bhagya Lakshmi (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)
“The Prospects And Problems Of E-Governance In India” by Miss. Y. Anasuya Devi (Associate Professor) was published in International Journal of Business,Management And Allied Sciences.( ISBN/ISSN number: ISSN:2349-4638)
“Andhra provincial Women’s Conferences” by Mrs. G.Lalitha (Associate Professor) was published in International journal of recreating spaces: language, culture and gender issues.