ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.
ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.
ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.

Grievance Redressal

St. Ann’s College for Women has created a mechanism for redressal of students’ grievances related to academic and non-academic matters, such as assessment, victimization, attendance, charging of fees, conducting of examinations, harassment by colleague students or teachers etc.

Objectives of Grievance Redressal Committee

The purpose of the grievance redressal committees is to ensure a speedy response to and accountability of all concerned to the students of St. Ann’s College.

The objectives of the Grievance Redressal Committee are as under:-

– Maintaining harmonious student – Student and faculty –Student relationship

– Creating an environment in which students can freely express their grievances without fear of discrimination or victimization

– Counseling students to refrain provoking of their fellow students against faculty and staff of the college.

– Although the anti-ragging committees are in place, the student may if she so wishes bring to the notice any incident of ragging through these committee shall ensure speedy action and protection of the student.

Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in and outside the college and should be brought to the notice of the management immediately.

Jurisdiction of the Committee

The committee shall deal grievances received in writing about any of the following:

-Academic Matters – Issues related to teaching process, marks, grade cards and other examination related matter, Transfer Certificate etc.

– Financial Matter – relating to dues and payments

– Administration Matters – Infrastructure related, food, sanitation, transport or victimization

– Harassment and Ragging

Grievance Redressal Committee 

The Principal of the college shall constitute one Grievance Redressal Committee:-

1. The College Level Grievance Redressal Committee

The composition of the College level Grievance Redressal committee is as under:

– Dr. Sr. Prema  Kumari (Principal)  – Chairman

– Lecturer Head In charge
   Miss. Valisha

– Members:
   Concerned Lecturers

1. A Adilakshmi
Lecturer in Hindi

2. Miss EPS Bhagya Lakshmi
Lecturer in Public Administration

3. Miss Anusuya Devi
Lecturer inPublic Administration

Student Representatives

1. Sowjanya (III B.A)

2. Nikitha (III BCOM)

The above committee will deal with all grievances related to academics and administration. In addition, it will also entertain the appeal filed against the decision of the student against the college Level Grievance Redressal Committee.

Procedure for Redressal of Grievance

1. An aggrieved student shall first submit his complaint in writing to her mentor who shall resolve the grievance with two days. In case the mentor is not able to resolve the grievance, he/she shall forward it to the chairperson of the College Level Grievance Committee.

2. The chairperson of the College Committee shall convene a meeting of the committee within 2 days of receiving the complaint from the faculty mentor or from the aggrieved student in case she applies directly to the committee.
3. The chairperson shall attempt to resolve the grievance within a week of the receipt of the complaint and action taken report from the mentor.

4. If the student is not satisfied with the solution of the committee, she shall appeal again to the committee giving the reasons for her dissatisfaction with the decision within a week of receipt of the decision of the college level committee.

5. The chairperson of the College level redressal committee shall convene a meeting of the committee with 2 days of receiving the complaint. The committee shall verify the facts and shall either endorse the previous decision of the college committee or shall an appropriate order within a week of receipt of the grievance.

6. The Principal shall review the decision and pass an appropriate order. The Principal, if needed may recommend, necessary corrective action as she may deem fit , to ensure avoidance of recurrence of similar grievance at the college, the necessary changes shall be made in the rules of the college.

7. At all proceedings a fair hearing shall be given to all parties. The form for submission of grievance is attached with this document.

The law of natural justice shall be observed and a fair hearing to the complainant and concerned persons shall be given at all levels. The relevant provisions of the Act/Regulations shall be kept in mind while passing an order on the grievance and no order shall be passed in contradiction of the same.

Policy on Grievance Redressal & Committee