ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.
ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.
ST.Ann's College for Women
Accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
Malkapuram, Visakhaptnam.


Patroness: Saint Anne is the patron saint of Society of St. Ann, Luzern under which St. Ann’s College for Women function. Our founder Father Wilhelm Meyer has put the Society under the protection of St. Ann, for St. Ann was the mother of Mary, and the proposed congregation would take care of mothers and children. He was convinced that only through a deep union with God, could the spirit of sacrifice and devotion grow. He wrote: “The Society of St. Ann has been founded, to lead the members to Christian perfection, through works of charity in the nursing profession.” The Founder, therefore laid down rules, which would lead the members of the Society, to a deeply religious life, united with God through prayer and works of charity. Roman Catholic Church, the Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim is celebrated on 26 July. Saint Anne is patroness of unmarried women, housewives, women in labor or who want to be pregnant, grandmothers, mothers and educators. She is often portrayed wearing red and green, representing love and life.

Prayer to St. Anne


Wilhelm was born on September 12, 1870, in Schoetz, a village in Canton Luzern of Switzerland to mother Pauline and the father Albert Meyer. He inherited the spirit of enterprise and creative urge for adventurous achievements from his father and the warm- hearted disposition from his mother. It was the dream of the young boy to be an architect, which he fulfilled although in a manner completely different from what he had anticipated. Without a ‘building apprenticeship’ he became a ‘builder’, but a ‘spiritual builder’. The words of his parish priest Fr. Roos, ‘You should become a priest’, decided his future. These words cast a spell over him, made a deep impression and stirred the unknown in him. It was Wilhelm’s hour of calling. He was ordained a priest on 18th July 1897, after completing his studies in the Benedictine Abbey of Einsiedeln, in the seminary of Luzern and at the University of Fribourg. He was appointed as a curate in Hitzkirch; and thus became associated with the poor and the suffering. His sympathy and understanding for the inmates of the old- age home urged him to direct his future work. He was an efficient teacher, a regular confessor, a versatile writer and a sought- after preacher. His compassionate heart sensed the need of a mother at child birth; the time when a helping hand was essential. 

He confronted himself with the question, “What more would I have to put right if I knew that I would have to die today?” He laid his new plan of founding a religious association of Sisters, before God in prayer because he desired only God’s will. With conviction and clear vision, he undertook the work with great energy and placed the Society under the protection of St. Ann.

The few notes left by him and the letters of advice written to the Sisters give us a glimpse into the spirituality. He repeated a fundamental insight: “When work meets the needs of the time, it indicates the Will of God.” The Society of St. Ann has become an Angel of Charity… Angels do not die.” “You are nursing Christ’s brothers and sisters and caring for the Holy Infant in the children you look after.” “Cling like a creeper to the Rock, Jesus Christ.” “Walk in the presence of God and so live always in union with God”. Scarcely 2 years after starting of the Society, he left for the land of eternal bliss on February 8, 1912. However he has not died, he is alive today, since his inspiration, and vision as well as mission are alive and relevant to our times and are perpetuated today.